Deputy Commissioner
नास्ति विद्यासमो बन्धुर्नास्ति विद्यासम: सुहृत।
नास्ति विद्यासमं वित्तं नास्ति विद्यासमं सुखम्।।
There is no companion like knowledge, no friend like knowledge, and no other wealth or happiness like knowledge. Education is the foundation upon which a person’s future is built. The Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan, through its continuous and dedicated efforts towards education, is making a meaningful attempt to kindle the divine light of knowledge among students through various Kendriya Vidyalayas across India. All my senior officials, colleagues, teachers and staff of this organization are sincerely striving to bring education to every student with full dedication.
The principal also plays a significant role in various areas of the school, such as academic, administrative and financial management. Keeping these key aspects of the school in mind, the principal formulates an adaptable plan for his/her school. The educational and non-educational staff of the school plays a crucial role in successfully achieving the objectives outlined in this plan.
Positivity is essential for the successful operation of a school. Positivity is an aspect that plays a very important role in shaping an individual’s personality. It is the responsibility of the school to generally develop a positive attitude towards life, colleagues and the world. In this context, it wouldn’t be an exaggeration to mention the need for tolerance towards one another in today’s world, which is often burdened by modern-day styles.
The future citizens of our country, who are currently the students in our schools and whom we are nurturing academically, need to be humane and tolerant towards one another to truly be called enlightened global citizens. Along with patriotism for their own country, they also need to be tolerant of the ideologies of other nations.
In conclusion, with the hope that God blesses all the efforts we have made and guides us in every way during this new academic session. I wish a bright future to all the students who are shaping their destinies in the educational environment of Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan.
Smt. Shruti Bhargava